Following up on unsold leads is like money in the bank. Take your blinders off and see the future. If you only manage to get 20% of your leads to turn into appointments, how many future opportunities does that leave you? If you only close 20% of your appointments, how many prospects does that leave you to follow up? And don’t forget the references that your customer’s provide. How many personal references does your dealership get from each subprime customer that comes into your dealership and completes a credit application? Isn’t each of them a future opportunity as well? Ask you customers if you can mention their name when you call these folks. Remind them that, even if they don’t buy a vehicle from you today, they can still refer customers to your dealership and get referral fee or “bird dog” for each one that buys a vehicle. Keep it personal, and soon the only place these folks will send their friends, family, co-workers, fellow church members, golf buddies, anybody they know, to buy a vehicle from is your dealership. Do the math and you’ll see how, with a little personal touch, you can sell a lot more vehicles!